Mirage Honey

Mirage Honey • Crystal • Mateus • CST


Growing upGrowing up, Mirage was the one that always got into trouble. She was not one to 'stay still' or follow the rules most of the time. . . to a degree.
That all changed when her siblings were soon gathering their things under their mother's wishes, and were soon on a boat tot he lands of Eorzea.The first thing Mirage wanted to do AND somehow managed it? Go out on her own to explore the woods.
Where did this lead her? A big lash mark on her back from a big Morbul, and boy was her father furious with her.
Today, Mirage is now described as a 'Goon-like Miqo'te' that fights dirty, but is NEVER out to murder. . . unless it is an assasin, then that is likely a different story.
A Surprise in Ul'Dah While exploring the lands of Eorzea, Mirage stumbled intot he city of Ul'dah. IT was VERY busy and.. to be honest? Quite annoying for her. It felt like every corner she turned, someone was trying to sell her either fish, clothing, arms, or even weird concoctions that almost seemed to change colors at the blink of an eye. THe only thing that had seemed to catch her eyes was the Pugilist's Guild. Her eyes sparkled like a small child in a sweets stand. She had quickly rushed in and immediately wanted in. Luckily for her, the guildmaster was overly pleased by the newcoming spirit in their halls, and so they accepted Mirage into the ranks.
The had progress and, before Mirage knew, she was one of the few strongest ones within the guild, but was a little too violent for the guildmaster to handle. He decided to send Mirage on a 'special trip' outside towards the Monk Temple, in the hopes she would learn to control her violent fighting style, and try to be one at peace.
The Disappearance One evening when Mirage was gathering groceries for their father, a Garlean soldier, followed by their scientist lackie, ha dstepped from the side of the road, acting as innocent, lost villagers. THey went up to her and begged and pleaded she help them in getting back to their 'home', to which, Mirage was at first hesitant; however, when she was told where to go, she decided to help, seeming it was on the way. To Mirage's luck (the bad kind), the 'villager' stung her with a knock-out syrum. Moments after, she fell to her knees and soon collapsed on the ground, where she was soon taken away into the dark of the night. . .
Mirage soon had awoken up, finding herself in a large tube and hooked up, alongside with a mask on herself to keep her breathing in the water-filled tube.


Name:Mirage Honey
Birthday/Nameday:32nd Sun of The 6th Umbral Moon
Guardian Deity:Halone, the Fury
Hair Color:Dark brown with golden-yellow streaks
Eye Color:[current] Emerald Green[R], Gold Yellow [L]
Job Occupation:Bartender, fighter
Main job(s):SAM, MNK
Place of origin | home:Thavnair, Yedlihmed | an available inn room
Family:Mikah Honey (youngest sister), Tempest Honey (older brother), her parents Ytanya (mother) and Altaire (father) and an aunt that lives in hiding in Tural
Likes:Fighting, whiskey (favorite drink)
Marital Status:single
d&d alignment:[wip] Chaotic Good
RP preferences:[wip] building relationships
Seeking:Allies, possible long-term partner(s)(?)
Language(s):Common, Huntspeak, Thavnairian
Personality:The absolute opposite of her youngest sister Mikah, she is a very rough, straight-forward kind of gal that does not give any shits. She will listen and obey rules to not get a smudge on her records


Fighting Mirage is not one to back down if someone challenges her or someone is needing a good take down, but be warned: She does NOT play nice and as another side-note, Her strength matches that of an armored Hrothgar due to her background being part of experimentation. (Reading this, you have accepted this knowledge).Bartending/picked up skills Mirage does more than fighting/sparring in her spare time. Feel free to ask her on her times learning how to be behind the bar and mixing drinks, she may have a story or two to tell!Garlean/Experimentations Don't take it personally, folks! She has had some baaaad personal past experiences with Garleans, so warming up to one is gonna take you some time. Do you dare break the ice on this topic?


1 30 she/her OOC
2 spoons are a god send for me if I have any
3 CST timezone
4 I am first shift IRL, so the best time to get me for roleplaying is either during my Venue hours, or after work.
5 I mainly rp casual in game; however, I am THE most awkward bean in the world, and ERP /sometimes/, depending upon the scene, will be requested to move into a discord chat. I can make /some/ excpetions upon discussion!
6 I am mostly vibing around in-game, so don't be afraid to send me a /tell in game and check on me and see what's up!
7 This is an ALT account. If you wish to request some time with this character, do send me a message